
January 10, 2018

How Your Strategic Plan is Carried Out

Strategic Plan in Motion

You have painstakingly created your strategic plan and reviewed it with your strategic planning team. Undoubtedly, in your hands lies a tool that has the potential to grow revenues, reduce costs, increase market share, and blow away the competition.

Now the hard work begins.

Communicating the Vision Behind Your Strategic Plan

The CEO and other high ranking leaders of your organization are responsible for communicating the vision, mission, values, and strategy to all levels of the organization. In truth, each level down in communication requires more effort. Because of this, you will need to be even more specific with details as you present strategy and tactics. Making significant progress toward your goals is the number one motivating factor for your employees.

To this end, start by communicating your strategic plan with your top levels of management. It is crucial to get as much buy-in as possible. These people are ultimately responsible for the outcome. They are also mainly responsible for filtering down the information needed to lower levels of management. They will need complete understanding of all timelines, processes, procedures, and tools. Top management is held accountable for analytics that will be used to meet the goals of the organization. Setting clear expectations early and tying results to performance and compensation will help focus and commitment.

What You Need

On the whole, you will need to provide updated materials, sell sheets, spec sheets, budget goals, resource links, and FAQ resources. Your marketing team can provide you with an updated company website to support your expectations. All collateral, digital or otherwise, must accurately reflect your strategic plan. After all, your team needs to use the same language and have the same answers to questions that will surely be asked by front-line employees.

The front-line employee may know how his completed job tasks affect others and the overall purpose of the organization, so long as someone has shared that with him. The employee’s tasks are short-term oriented and his performance is usually evaluated against goals related to those tasks. Give them the ammunition needed to handle the front line.

Create a Communication Plan

We have compiled a list of what you will undoubtedly want to include in your communication plan:

What is the purpose of such a high level of communication? Transparency breeds trust and loyalty, and communicating your goals motivates people to work as a team.

The company vision is long-term and is based on the potential and desirable state of the organization. What’s more, as the author of the company vision, you have the resources to plan for the long-term growth and direction of the company. The highest levels of leadership also must have commitment to the vision. Otherwise they risk subordinates doubting their earnestness to making it happen.

Share your vision with Chameleon Group and let us help you make it happen.  Above all, partnering with the right people makes all the difference.

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