So often, we hear from companies needing to have a sales database scrubbed. How often have you said or heard, “It’s an old list and we don’t even know if the contacts are correct.”
Today, having and maintaining the correct contacts in your sales database is crucial to the survival of your business. Whether for lead generation or maintaining a connection with customers, your database is the lifeblood of your business. Are your sales reps updating and managing the information as needed? If not, the old saying of “garbage in, garbage out” is most likely an unfortunate reality, and one you know too well.
Establishing healthy processes and managing them enables you to accurately measure and monitor progress. A very long time ago when I use to rep on the phone, my boss would tell me, “If it’s not in the database kid, then it never happened.” I lived and breathed that philosophy. Why? Because if I received a Purchase Order, regardless of the dollar amount and I had no documentation, it went to the house account.
Establishing good work habits around managing your sales database is vital to your company. If this isn’t already second-nature internally, we can help. We know the pain, but we can also fix the problem areas too. The bottom line – How you report on information greatly depends on how that information is documented in your database.
Everybody in the business world understands the importance of business development and gaining new clients. With those new clients comes the ability to endure in a very difficult and volatile market. The big question is. How are you doing that? And if it is not working, do you know why?
So, tell me. What’s in your database?
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